
This provision is good

  • The manager fully understands her responsibility to meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage. A range of documentation and records is effectively implanted. Children’s welfare, safety and learning are promoted.
  •  Children make good progress in their development. Staff understand how children learn. They make good use of what they know to provide a range of interesting and exciting activities that promotes the individual next steps in children’s learning.
  •  Staff are warm and friendly. They get to know children and their families well. Children form close relationships with key staff who ensure their individual needs are sensitively met. Children are happy, settled and content attending the nursery.
  • Managers and staff promote equality and diversity well. They ensure that the provision is welcoming and inclusive. Children learn about their local community and the wider world. Staff promote acceptance, tolerance and respect.
  •  Partnership working is good. A two-way flow of information is shared with parents, other providers and relevant professionals. Children benefit from good continuity in their care and learning between all those involved in their lives.